
Splatter Tipped Hammer

Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $30.00.




Euphyllias-  commonly known as the hammer, frogspawn and torch corals. Euphyllia corals need plenty of clearance from other corals especially the torch corals. Their tentacles can reach out double and triple their size and sting anything within reach.  Branching Euphyllias can grow very well doubling and even tripling in size within a year. 

They are susceptible to certain pests and bacterial infections so quarantining is recommended. Flatworms can infest these corals and while may not kill it, they do cause irritation and are a chore to eradicate. Our corals will be 100% pest free of Euhpyllia flatworms guaranteed. 


Troubleshootong: If the coral polyps are not opening and the other corals seem fine then it is most likely too much flow or someone is picking on it. Certain fish can single out one Euphyllia in the tank and constantly pick at it throughout the day while leaving all others alone. 

Flatworm pests can infect certain LPS corals. Coral dipping helps. We like to use various coral dipping solutions or Melafix. 


Care level: beginner to intermediate 

Flow: medium high to medium low

PAR: 150-250, will handle up to 450nm with no issues

Original Location Range: Indonesia, Coral Triangle, South Pacific

Grown in our California coral farm providing zero impact corals

Water chemistry: Calcium 400-450, Magnesium 1350, KH 7-9.5, pH 8.1-8.4, Nitrates .01-10+, Phosphates .01-.1, salinity 1.026

Temperature Range: 74- 81 Fahrenheit 


Feeding: these corals can be target or broadcast fed. They will feed on smaller soaked pellets and will do well without direct coral feedings if there is heavy fish feedings. Target feeding is always best and be sure your coral is taking in the food and not just sliming it off. 


Dosing: Doc highly recommends automated dosing of Ca, Kh and other elements to provide ultimate stable water chemistry throughout the day. It is important there are no fluctuations especially with Kh/alkalinity. For more information on dosing and products click here.


Recommended placement: 

We like to plant these corals in areas with moderate flow on a stable area. 

Attachment: Use a fair amount of epoxy to set up the fragments. It is recommended to try and break off the disk if safe enough not to damage the skeletal branch of the coral. We do this by using heavy duty titanium scissors to clip the base off by pressing into the disk and not the branch base itself. Add a small amount of coral glue to the underside of the branch. Mix up enough two part epoxy to create a small ¾” ball and dab it a few times into the glue to get it tacky then press and mold a nice pedestal base with a flat bottom in an upside down mushroom shape. Do not get any water on the epoxy before adding the coral glue. Add a few small dabs of reef glue to the flattened base dabbing the glue so it really sticks to the epoxy. Press the coral disk onto the desired location and press the epoxy flat onto the reef. Be sure the coral is fully secure, the coral should never fall off the reef. Most frags will grow quite large so be a little generous with the epoxy so it can withstand the weight of the future coral colony growth.

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