
Jack O’Lantern Leptoseris

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $10.00.






Care level: beginner to intermediate

Flow: medium high to medium low

PAR: 150-250, will handle up to 450nm with no issues

Original Location Range: Indonesia, Coral Triangle, South Pacific

Grown in our California coral farm providing zero impact corals

Water chemistry: Calcium 400-450, Magnesium 1350, KH 7-9.5, pH 8.1-8.4, Nitrates .01-10+, Phosphates .01-.1, salinity 1.026

Temperature Range: 74- 81 Fahrenheit


Feeding: these corals can be target or broadcast fed. They will feed on smaller soaked pellets and will do well without direct coral feedings if there is heavy fish feedings. Target feeding is always best and be sure your coral is taking in the food and not just sliming it off.

For more information on coral foods we like to use click here.


Dosing: Doc highly recommends automated dosing of Ca, Kh and other elements to provide ultimate stable water chemistry throughout the day. It is important there are no fluctuations especially with Kh/alkalinity. For more information on dosing and products click here.


Recommended placement:

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